Saturday, May 3, 2014


TIP OF THE DAY... Well...let me explain how I came upon this very useful tip, or tips I should say...last weekend I woke up and came out to the kitchen...turned on the radio, and started the coffee...turned around and noticed Jim hadn't put his soda away...being the very nice person that I am, I decided to do it for I opened up the 12 pack of black cherry soda and, well...maybe this wasn't the brightest move, but it's the way I've always done it...I just kinda tilt the case, pour them out gently and then stack them under the cabinet...then it happened...PSSSSHHHHHHHHHH...right in the face...I searched frantically for the soda that has hit me dead in the face, I ran my fingers through my hair, found the culprit and tossed it into the sink as I grabbed towels, and anything else I could get my hands on to mop up the now pink cabinet, floor and face, shirt and dog...I could still hear the soda in the sink, turned around... DRAT!! the soda was hitting the ceiling which is now the very lovely color of black cherry...(guess this goes with the texture of mashed taters I got up there a few weeks ago)...but def not the color I wanted my kitchen ceiling...finally finished mopping everything up, even the ceiling and dog, got a clean shirt out of the laundry room, and just stood there for a few seconds shaking my head and wondering just what happened, and why haven't I even had coffee yet, Jim walks ok?? Yup...I put your soda away..Nice hair he says as he walks away...he doesn't ask too many questions anymore... TIPS OF THE DAY! Never EVER run your hands through your hair when you just got hit with soda...and NEVER toss the squirting soda into the sink without checking to make sure it's going into the sink and not onto the ceiling...I love my life...really...I do...

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